Today a new Chapter started,

When my son and I parted.

On his road to discover,

Which took most of the day for me to recover.

I know we are suppose to let them grow and learn,

Let them make mistakes along each turn.

But he is my little boy,

Who drives me crazy but also brings me such joy.

Today was his first day,

And I was so excited to hear all he had to say.

Kindergarten was where he went,

To learn all kinds of new content.

I will never hold him back on his journey,

As he learns all he wants to see.

I will help to the best of my ability each and every day,

Because in the end this is the best way.

I may not like the fact that every year he gets a bit older,

A little bit more bolder.

So much smarter then I,

As each day I only ask that he try.

He will always in my heart be my baby,

Even when the world a little boy, then a grown man they see.

There will be tears,

That get shed over the years.

ButĀ I know it is a part of life,

This is a part of being a mother.